2d week 7

this week i tried to make a blueprint for moving the clock

unfortunately i didn't have time to make a new clock or separate it so i could not implement it.

Concepts Round 01 Silhouettes/ Thumbnail

RPP 3 Day 13

I dint do much today because i had coding assignment do. Jo finished the model and Utsab got the randomization going. Josh got all the sounds going.

RPP 3 Day 14

A day before presenting. i finally finished the thief  rig and animation. Josh did the ui and Jo made the splash art. Utsab did all the rest with coding and hope the game will be great tomorrow.

RPP 3 Day 12

Today was another work day. Jo was too busy to work today because of 3d but but will give me the Thief model once she is done. I imported all the guard animations to Unity with help of Utsab and Carter. I even was able to add animation blends!

Utsab implement everything and made the thief work and Josh made the level with prefabs.

RPP 3 Day 11

So far today we hashed out couple of game mechanics and figured out what to give to who. Everything was communicated in team, and we figured out what to do for the day. I finished the guard animation. Utsab is working on making the thief AI better. Josh is creating more prefarbs and Jo is finishing the thief model.

We are going to have a stand up meting tomorrow to figure out what to do next.

RPP 3 Day 10

We didn't have an in person meeting and there wasn't a lot of info in the research.  We can add a bit of bust for the thief or the guard according to the mythology of the roman gods but other then that there wasn't anything else.  We will try to make the game a bit more tower defenc-y and less Assassins creed.

Other then that Jo gave me the Guard model and I finished the rig, also added walk and run animation. Next is going to be the idle and point animation. 

Here is the run so far

RPP 3 Day 9

We had a meeting to figure out how to change the story all around. One of Ron's critiques is that the game is not Rom-y enough. So we had to try and figure out how to make the game centered around our environment. I was in charge of the researching technology,  Jo was in charge of people. Utsab was in charge of culture and Josh was in charge of the god and mythology. We will meet tomorrow and see if there is anything we can change.

RPP 3 Day 8

At noon as always we had a daily stand up. Jo started to texture the guard and Utsab has made  the random level generator. So far there are may thing implemented in the game and there is a lot of progress in getting the game finalized.

Today we presented the game to the class and got a lot of feed back. To start Ron wanted us to focus more on the guard getting the thief then the other way around. And he wanted us to have a more Rome centralized game. Because right now the game is not specific to just Rome. We are going to have a meeting tomorrow to discuss the critique.